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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Managing Customer Expectations

As we engage a client and get busy on working with them, many-a-times we lose sight of the real reason the client hired us or bought our product. Everyone is guilty of this at some point in their career.

Here is a quick tip to help you keep your customers needs (expectations) always in front of you. When you are successful in converting your prospect into a client, then start by writing a quick thank you note in which you not only thank them for their business but also outline their expectations.

This small action can be the difference between a one-time client or a long-term client relationship. Regardless whether you are selling a product or a service, writing this letter allows you to register the customer's expectation from dealing with you. This also instills confidence in your customer and shows that you have understood their needs.

However, the most important benefit of this action is that should there be a difference in what you heard and what the customer wanted (expectation) then you have managed to capture this at a very early stage in the relationship and averted ill-feelings and dissatisfaction down the road.

Till next time


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