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Monday, January 28, 2008

How to get to the beginning?

In order for one to be successful one must begin. From a child to an adult every person knows what they would like. However, adults (like children) , do not know how to take that first step in order to get what they want. In other words they don't know where to begin.

Many intelligent and gifted people have failed to make it big, because they could not begin. It was not that they did not know what to do; rather they failed to take the first step. They failed to start simply because they could not determine the place to begin. Instead they kept planning and planning, till time left them behind.

One of my favorite quotes is by Mark Twain who stated:

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”

This is very true. Here I will show you a simple exercise to breaking down your goal in to smaller, manageable, and actionable tasks. If you practice this and do this exercise when planning your goals, you will have a greater chance of success in finding out the right place to begin in order to reach your goal.

Start by taking a piece of blank sheet of paper. Write your goal on the top center.

Next ask yourself how you would get to your goal, i.e. what "task" would you need to do get to that goal. Now write it down underneath the goal.

Next Ask your self the same question for the task you just listed and write down the second tasks under the first task.

Continue to repeat the process i.e. ask the question for each task you list till you cannot go any further. You can stop when you reach the task that is obvious or logical, i.e. you do not need to write it down in order to execute it, e.g. "wake up in the morning!"

That last task that you wrote is your beginning point. Start there and then move up the chain till you reach your goal!

Remember that if you don't start you will never finish!

Good Luck.

Till next time.


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