Often when we plan a project we list a lot of things to do in order to accomplish that project. However, when we get down to doing the tasks, many-a-times we get confused on where to start.
Everything needs to get done! Everything looks important. Sometimes this can be a big hurdle for many people. The tasks can be overwhelming. Here is a quick way for you to get a jump start if you face this issue.
After listing your tasks, prioritize them. This means list your tasks in the order that they need to get done. This is NOT the order that you want to complete each task; rather this is the way the tasks should be done in order for a successful completion of the project.
Once you have the priority of the tasks set, the next thing to do is to focus on the first task and just start! Don't think....just start.
Once you complete that task. Look at the priority list again, re-order if necessary (though most of the times this remains constant) then move on to the next one.
Repeat this process till all the tasks are completed.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Too many things to do? Where to start?
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:38 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Follow up
Finally we arrive at the most important part of networking. This is where you will generate leads and sales. This is the final stage of networking but the first stage in implementing your effective sales strategies to close deals.
Many people never bother sending a thank you note or email after the event. The thank you note/email serves as a reminder to not only yourself about who the other person was but also it serves as a reminder to the other person on whom you were.
Make sure you follow-up with people after the event. Do not overdo it though. Start by sending a note or email. Phone calls are acceptable but written correspondence is preferred. Request an in person meeting. Keep their pain points in your mind and apply your sales strategies.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:11 PM
Labels: networking, tips for successful networking
Monday, August 20, 2007
Keep Moving
Networking events are usually for a limited time. Therefore you need to optimize your use time.
Your aim should be to get as many new introductions as possible. Don’t spend a lot of time with the same person. You will have plenty of opportunities later to get to know more about them.
You should start by introducing yourself, give your 30 second pitch, exchange information, request a follow-up time, and then politely excuse yourself in order to talk to the next person.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
3:55 PM
Labels: tips for successful networking
Friday, August 17, 2007
Exchange Cards
This is basic, but people show up to events with not enough business cards or promotional materials. Promotional materials can be optional, however be sure to take plenty of business cards. Also, make sure that your business cards have the most up-to-date contact information.
Depending on the networking event you may have the option to place your business cards and other promotional material on a common table.
Networking etiquette dictates that if you are attending a member only event and are not a member; ask for permission from the event organizer before you place or distribute your materials.
Present your card and remember to request a card from the other person.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:54 AM
Labels: networking, Planning, planning for networking
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Ask Their Need First
Me...me...me... this will not get you anywhere. What I have to say today is, unfortunately, not going to get you immediate gratification. Rather you will reap the rewards later. The best way to build relationships and to successfully network is to ask your potential client their "pain points".
The prospect may not necessarily looking for your services at the moment; however they may have other needs to satisfy first. Become their savior. Try to provide them with the resources they need. you will see that this will benefit you in the long run. They will return the favor by requesting AND referring your services.
Many people know this. This is not new. However, in practice it is hard to follow. Many people want to help others but when they start talking....they are all about "What can you do for me" and NOT "What is it that I can do for you?"
Help others first!
Tune in next time....
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:27 PM
Labels: networking, tips for successful networking
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Body First Rule
Today I would like to talk about the "Body First Rule".
Countless times I see people, at networking events, standing by themselves. They are either talking on their cell phones, reading a paper, looking at the art work in the room, or doing something other than networking. They are secretly hoping that people know about their services (products) and will flock to them.
Public speaking and talking to strangers is not that easy. It is difficult and sometimes a bit intimidating. One way to tackle this fear is to just start moving. Just move towards someone and (politely) say "Hi". Then, start talking by presenting your card and introducing yourself and product. Don’t think on how or what will others think.
This one instance where you need to lead with your body and not with your mind.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
9:15 PM
Labels: meeting people, networking
Monday, August 13, 2007
Wear two badges
Many people who are at a networking event do not take this opportunity to advertise their services. When you check in to the event, take two badges. One should have your name and the other should list what service you provide. Do not go over board and start to list 100 things. Just write a few words of what you do. For Example, on my second badge I always write "Life & Business Coach".
Many-a-times this is a good ice breaker. When you are walking around, people do read your second badge. Without a badge explaining what you provide, it is hard for people to talk to you at first. By having your service listed, you are giving people an opportunity to introduce themselves to you.
There have been so many times that I have been at an event and I will be passing someone by and they will read my second badge and say "Oh! I am glad I found you....I was looking for this" or "I know who you should meet, I was just talking to...."
Let people know who you are.
Tune in tomorrow for the next topic.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
11:32 AM
Labels: Business Coaching, networking, Personal Coaching
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Showing Up
Showing up to a networking event is the first step. In many cases this is the hardest thing to do, but it is very important. Many people plan to attend a lot of networking events, but fail to take the most important step of actually showing up to the event.
Shyness, lack of confidence, public speaking jitters, false conclusions and other excuses prevent people from attending networking events.
Don't let your thoughts take over. If you feel that a certain event is beneficial to you, then attend. Take the initiative. Don't let your thoughts take over. Many-a-times, right before the event people get lazy. They get start to get negative thoughts. They start to find every reason not to attend.
Do not let your mind take over. Recall the reasons why you identified the event in the first place. Stay committed. If you consistently show up to the events, people will notice and will be impressed.
Tune in tomorrow for the next topic.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
8:35 AM
Labels: networking, planning for networking, showing up
Friday, August 10, 2007
Dress Appropriately
Many of you must have heard the phrase "Dress for Success". Well! I tell you that it is true. However, you must dress appropriately. This means that don't show up at a networking event that is for professionals in shorts and sandals......unless you are in a business that supports that dress code e.g. a surf shop, etc. You get my point!
Now, dress for success does not mean that you need to spend a lot of money either. You must, however, make an effort to dress professionally and look smart. Many people say that they don't care how you look, but you will be surprised to find out how far away from the truth that is. Try going and selling financial planning to someone in a beat up car....you'll see how much confidence about your capability that instills in your potential client!
Always find out before hand what is the dress code for the event. Take sometime to keep up to date with the fashion trends. This does not mean, however, you should wear something that makes you feel out of your element. Act your age, remain true to the image you want to have people associate you with.
Tune in tomorrow for the next part in the series
Posted by
Salman K Khan
11:10 AM
Labels: dress for success, networking, tips for successful networking
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Planning ahead for effective networking
Today's topic will be on the importance of planning ahead. When you go to any networking event, always have:
1. A prepared 30 second business pitch. You should be able to articulate in 30 seconds or less who you are and what you do.
2. Carry the right business cards and brochures for the networking event.
3. You should have a specific and well defined mission/purpose for the attending the event. A desired outcome could be that you want to get 5 business cards of 5 new contacts, etc.
4. Tell you co-workers/employees of your location and instruct not be disturbed unless the matter is such that only you can handle. You want to be focused in the event.
5. Have an exit strategy for the event. In the event you need to leave early, decide whether you want to leave your information with the organizer or at a public space at the event or you want to ask someone there to help you in distributing your materials.
In conclusion, take a few minutes before embarking to the event and prepare your self as well as your mission.
Tune in next time for the next topic.
Chat live with Sal @ www.salmankkhan.com
Posted by
Salman K Khan
12:18 PM
Labels: networking, planning for networking, tips for successful networking
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Choose your niche.
Choosing your niche is very important. You must have a clear vision and focus on who or what group you would like to market. There are many networking events to choose from. However, if you are not focused on your target market, going to these events may not be very beneficial.
Now, don't get me wrong; it will help you to get more contacts...but the purpose of networking is to generate leads for sales. If you purpose is to just meet people and expand your network, then by all means go to as many networking events as possible.
If you have a target market or geographic location you are concentrating on, find events in that area. you can look look for events by visiting your targets market sites and associations. The chamber of commerce, local newspapers etc.
Focusing on a niche is the easy way to get started and will help you focus your attention within that market. From there you can grow to other markets.
Tune in tomorrow for the next topic in the series.
Chat with me live at:
Posted by
Salman K Khan
8:11 AM
Labels: Focus, networking, niche marketing
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
10 Tips for Successful Networking
The next series I will be writing about are 10 simple rules for networking, which are:
1. Choose your niche
2. Plan ahead
3. Dress appropriately
4. Show up
5. Wear two badges
6. Body first rule
7. Ask their need first
8. Exchange cards
9. Keep moving
10. Follow up
Please check back for daily updates to this series.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:33 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Success Tip: Get out of your comfort zone!
Today I want to blog a little bit about the importance of getting out of your comfort zone!
Whether you are trying to lose weight, make a million dollars, or have a successful relationship; one of the keys to success is to GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. This means that you need to move away from what makes you feel comfortable.
Feeling comfortable, as it relates to this topic, means that you are getting stuck in your habit. You are not progressing to the next level because you are not exerting extra force into your actions.
Let me give you a simple example. Look at boiling water. In order for water to reach its boiling state, the molecules need to raise their Kinetic Energy (some chemistry from high school!!!). Water will never reach a boiling point if the molecules do not move beyond their normal state.
Just like boiling water one needs to make that extra effort to get to the next level. If you are exercising 30 minutes and you are not seeing an improvement....exercise harder. Not getting that promotion....get noticed...do something that is not in your job description but helps the company without making your boss or co-worker look incompetent (VERY important).
Remember....it only take a little change to make a big difference. You do not need to go over board....just keep it simple, but do something out of your comfort zone!
Posted by
Salman K Khan
8:53 AM
Labels: Focus, reach goals, success
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Active Thought Management - What is it?
The human mind is a very powerful organ. If you don't actively manage it, it will take over your life lead you to a path you may not want to go. Ever heard of "An idle mind is a devils workshop?"
If you want to be happy all the time...you can. All you have to do is be conscious of what your mind is doing. Control your thoughts, and you will be a happier person. If you start to wonder about stuff and start to go towards a negative path....realize it....and then focus on something else.
Many people often start to wonder "what if...". Realize when you are doing this...and stop. It is all in your minds imagination. Do not let your mind go into the "What if...." stage.
If you are curious about something or wondering what the other person is thinking or saying....just ask instead of speculating. Speculation/Wondering is NOT reality.
In conclusion.....be conscious of your thoughts. When you start to feel sad or start to worry about something....focus on something else. Tell your self it is NOT reality, it is only your imagination.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:48 AM
Labels: Living Happier, Managing your thoughts
Thursday, August 2, 2007
How to determine what is really important in life
As we go about our lives, it is very easy to fall in to a daily rut and lose track of stuff that is important to one's self. Bills, social commitments, etc. have a way to take over our lives. For majority of us it is about paying bills. For those fortunate enough to not worry about bills, there is something else. There is ALWAYS something else.
So how do you take control and step back to enjoy life and focus on really what matters the most?
Here is a little exercise that I learnt from reading the 7 Habits of Great People by Stephen Covey. Though, I have heard variations of the same theme/concept/idea; I think Mr. Covey explains it best. I will paraphrase:
Sit down, close your eyes. Imagine you are at going to a funeral. You are walking in through the front doors. You look around and see you friends and family....everyone you care about. You smile...you walk to towards an open casket to see the dead body, you look down and you see it is yourself. Wow...you are dead. You turn around to say something to your friends and family, to only find out they cannot hear or see you.
You say to yourself, this cannot be happening.....I had to say ____ to _____. (fill in the blanks).
If you do this exercise correctly, I guarantee to you that you will find out what/who is important to you.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:56 PM
Labels: Life Coaching