As we reach to the end of the year, it is a good time to sit back and review your buiness efforts thus far and to log and collect all that scattered information in to oe place; in short gety organzized.
Pick a day of the week or an entire week to review your bank statements, collect them in one place. Start to prepare your profit and loss statement for your tax accountant, start to collect all those receipts, put your contacts in one place and get that desk organized.
This is not just an exercise in cleaning up but as you proceed to do this, you will get a better understanding of the correct picture of your business. You may also find some to do tasks that you had forgotten to do, and you may come across a business card or contact of a person that may be a potential client for the next year.
Therefore, take sometime and review your business and get organized so that you can start the new year with a clear direction.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Year End House Keeping
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:20 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Planning for the Year End
As the year comes to an end, this is the time to set aside some time and review what has happened. You need to do this to not only ensure that you are on the right track but also to plan what you can get done (that you have not thought about) by the year's end.
This is a time to do some business financial housekeeping. Tie up some lose ends etc. For those who pay taxes in April, make an appointment with your CPA to review what you are expecting to earn this year. Discuss tax strategies that will help your individual case.
Write down a list of client and prospects that you need to chat with before the year is up. Review goals and any training with your employees.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
12:49 PM
Labels: Business Planning, goals, Strengths and Weaknesses, Year end Planning
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Declining Dollar and the effect on Small Business
Hello Everyone,
Today I would like to shed some light on one of the significant events of yesterday. That event being the continued decline of the US Dollar. What does this mean to the small business. Now before I dive in to "my opinion", let me clarify that I am not an economist. This is my opinion from a layman's stand point. Please feel free to comment.
The very long and short of the decline of the dollar that I feel (as well have read on other sites) is that this means that goods and services will cost the small business owner more. Why? Well! The US is a consumer & importer of goods. When the dollar falls in comparison to other currencies from which we buy our stuff , e.g. stuff from Europe, China, Japan, etc; we will not be able to buy as much. Therefore, this will produce a shortage, and cause vendors/suppliers [to small businesses] to increase the price of their products; as their costs will increase undoubtedly. So, ultimately, the small business owner has to raise its prices to the consumer. This is also called inflation.
So what can a small business owner/entrepreneur do to prepare for this? Well! as a small business owner you will have to start to plan your strategy for this scenario. You need to start by identifying new sources of revenue. You need to diversify your product offerings. You also need to build strong relationship with your existing clients so that during trying times they will still buy from you....because remember people do not buy your product; they buy the feeling, they buy YOU.
Start to streamline your operations. Identify where there is waste. Start to run a lean operation. This will not only help you in tough times, but also ensure that you are operating optimally.
Planning is key. Without planning you will not be well prepared.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:04 AM
Labels: Declining Dollar, Proactive Planning, Small Business
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Planning for 2008
Hello everyone,
Today I would like to talk about planning for 2008. It is now November. We have less than 8 weeks to new years. I would like everyone to start thinking about their goals for the next year. The way you would do this is by:
1. Examining where you are
2. Having a long term plan for the entire next year
3. Break down your long term plan into shorter deliver ables
I would recommend that everyone start on this now.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
3:13 PM
Labels: Goal Setting, Planning
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Synchronize for success
How does one align ones self with a potential client or an existing customer for most effectiveness?
Whether you are going for a sales meeting or just a casual meet and greet synchronizing with the other person can be the difference between a great meeting or just an average one.
So what are the steps? How does one effectively synchronize?
In plain terms synchronizing means mimicking the other person's actions in a way that you appeal to their subconscious and thereby become "likable". On a side note, this does take some practice and, yes, there are many books on this topic that you may want to read for more information.
I will just give you some basics here. When you go to meet someone, start by looking them in eye, smile, and if you are wearing a suite jacket; open the buttons. If acceptable, have a firm handshake. Pay attention to the person's actions. Without being and appearing rude, copy their actions during the meeting. For example, if the other person crosses their legs, you do the same. If that person sits straight; you sit straight.
Basically you do what they do. However, take caution, practice, practice, practice!
The last thing you want to do is to appear rude or weired. The effectiveness of synchronization is in the subtlety of it's execution.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
5:03 AM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Image is everything
Have you heard of "What you see is what you get", "you are what you appear to be","first impression is the last impression", etc. Well! if you pay attention to all of these sayings/phrases you will notice a common message; which is that people are very quick to judge and categorize.
It is just human nature that when we see something we make a judgement on that thing within the first 30 seconds. Our brain then classifies the item that we see and assigns a category to it based on our predisposed notions. Our brain also quickly separates what we see in to whether we like it or not. All of this happens within the first 30 secs.
Therefore when you go to meet someone, especially for the first time, you need to take extra care to prepare yourself for the meeting. Dress professionally, smile, and be polite. Do not emit any negativity.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
5:07 PM
Labels: business meetings, first impressions
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Believe in yourself and you will be successful
Hello. Today I am going to write about the power of belief. If you have a vision, a dream, and you want that vision of dream to become reality; the first step is to really believe in it and more importantly believe in your abilities to make that the dream a reality.
This principle can apply to anything in life. Whether you are an entrepreneur who wants to grow his/her business or you work for someone and you want to climb the corporate ladder; you must believe in your self and in your abilities to make it happen.
You need to also realize that the only person that can make this happen is you. As such you should not depend on others. You should also not let their opinions deter you from making your dreams a reality.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
5:11 PM
Labels: making dreams come true, motivation, The power of belief
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Marketing Options for Targeted Industries
Today we will discuss a little bit about how to market within any industry by applying some generic marketing options. Marketing your product or service can be done through traditional medium such as paid advertising using flyer's, newspapers, web, TV, etc.
An alternative marketing solution is to partner with complementary businesses as well as market to strategic partners that have access to clients. This method of marketing takes more time to see returns however, in the long run it is less expensive and more productive.
Start by identifying complementary businesses. On a piece of paper write your business name in the center and draw a circle around it. Then draw spokes (lines) around the circle. Write the names of industries on the other ends of the lines. Once you have identified complementary business industries then for each industry create a partnership strategy. A partnership strategy should include a list of businesses, an approach method, some value added benefit for both parties, and a way to track progress over the life of the partnership.
Hope this helps. Any questions please email me at
Please visit my site and check back for the next blog.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
11:22 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Monday, October 1, 2007
Targeted Market Penetration Strategies
Today I will write a little bit on Targeted Market Penetration Strategies.
What is a Targeted Market Penetration Strategy?
Anytime one embarks on any campaign aimed to increase ones product and/or service awareness, one needs to identify a target. The target demographic is also known as a target market. Once the target market has been identified then one needs to define strategies to penetrate (or break in to) the identified target market. Therefore this process in its entirety is called "Targeted Market Penetration Strategy".
Why is having a Targeted Market Penetration Strategy important?
Each market has different operating dynamics. Therefore a generic market penetration strategy will not be very effective. A generic market penetration strategy will not address the nuances of a particular demographic. In such a scenario it is more effective to design specific strategies that address all the different nuances of the target market. For example, one may deal differently while approaching a prospect in the automotive industry as opposed to approaching a prospect in the air transportation industry. There may be different protocols to follow when presenting proposals, etc.
Next we will talk about how to find and identify industry specific protocols.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
9:44 PM
Labels: Industry Protocols, Marketing Strategies, Target Marketing
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ingredients for success
Why do some people succeed, while others fail? Why does one company make it big and another company in the same industry or why does one sales person become a high achiever and another is less successful?
The answer is "drive". The willingness to go the extra mile. Some may refer to it as "hunger" or "fire". It is not that this quality is in some and not in is in everyone. The difference between the successful people and the failures is that the failures...don't fuel the fire. They don't crave for the taste of success.
If you want to be successful you have to "REALLY" want it! Not just say it idly...yell it out! shout it out! Then see the difference!
Posted by
Salman K Khan
2:19 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sponsor an Event
There is nothing like this type of publicity. I sponsor a lot of events. I noticed early on that sponsoring an event, though requires an investment, offers great return on that investment dollar. Why? Well! if you choose your events carefully, i.e. based on your target market then you will maximize your advertising dollars because you will be catering to your target and not people/businesses that are not in your target. It is really simple but highly effective.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:37 AM
Labels: Advertising on a budget, alternative advertising solutions
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Is Print Advertising Successful?
Recently I was asked to comment on print advertising such as Yellow Pages, Newspaper, Magazine etc. My answer is (and has always been) that it really depends on your line of business and who you are targeting to.
In order to use any medium for advertising, one really has to look at the target market, e.g. Income level, what they read, what do they buy, where do they shop , etc. Once you have this figured out, then you need to decide what is your marketing budget. After you have decided on that figure, find out how much does it cost in the medium you want to advertise. Generally speaking the longer you run the ad; the cheaper it is. Once you have made that calculation, then you want to make the right ad (text, graphics, etc.) . For the last step, you need to have some way of tracking the ad results.
Now, most of the popular medium of advertising, e.g. yellow pages, newspaper etc. will have some tools that you can use to access the effectiveness of you ad campaign. Ask your rep.
So, the question is does it work? For print advertising it is generally recommended that you run your ad for at least 6-8 months before your ad will start to register with your target market. Anything less than that would be a waste of time and money.
I always recommend alternative advertising sources that produce much faster results. However, there are instances where you may benefit from print advertising.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
8:15 AM
Labels: magazine ads, marketing ideas, newspaper ads, print advertising
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The importance of joining a Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce can be one of the best investments you can have in getting your business visibility. Many people join Chambers thinking that the Chamber will magically refer all traffic to them. It does not work that way. If you want to re coupe your money OR you want to take full advantage of joining the Chamber then you must have a plan.
Before you join a Chamber make sure you do your research. Visit more than a few. Ask around which one has the most members. Visit their luncheons as a guest. Many times guest do not need to pay the luncheon fee.
Once you have narrowed the search to a few then before signing up, have a plan on how you will get visibility. Make sure you attend as many luncheons and mixers and other events for the Chamber.
Get your name in front of the Chamber staff. Sponsor events. Help the Chamber recruit more members.
These are some ways you can really get noticed and take full advantage your membership.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:07 PM
Labels: Chamber of Commerce
Sunday, September 9, 2007
If you get a business inquiry, DO follow-up!
Hello Everyone,
I guess I got too busy with clients and getting ready for the upcoming Expo that I found myself not writing. Well! I need to get back at blogging and so, here I am.
Over the past few weeks I meet many business owners. I must say that I am very surprised that many business owners let so many opportunities to make money slip by. As a small business coach, I try to help many businesses connect. I actively find business for my members as well as ANY one that I come across. I love to help people.
More than once I have referred potential customers to business owners and more than once I have been surprised how these business owners DON'T follow-up with the referrals. Why? I don't get it. I attend meetings and here these same people ask everyone for referrals; but when they get it.....they are not appreciative.
People: If you want to have credibility and if you want to show that you DO care, then please please please follow up with your prospects/referrals etc.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
5:04 PM
Labels: Business Coaching, business mistakes, business referral, Small Business Coaching
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Too many things to do? Where to start?
Often when we plan a project we list a lot of things to do in order to accomplish that project. However, when we get down to doing the tasks, many-a-times we get confused on where to start.
Everything needs to get done! Everything looks important. Sometimes this can be a big hurdle for many people. The tasks can be overwhelming. Here is a quick way for you to get a jump start if you face this issue.
After listing your tasks, prioritize them. This means list your tasks in the order that they need to get done. This is NOT the order that you want to complete each task; rather this is the way the tasks should be done in order for a successful completion of the project.
Once you have the priority of the tasks set, the next thing to do is to focus on the first task and just start! Don't think....just start.
Once you complete that task. Look at the priority list again, re-order if necessary (though most of the times this remains constant) then move on to the next one.
Repeat this process till all the tasks are completed.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:38 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Follow up
Finally we arrive at the most important part of networking. This is where you will generate leads and sales. This is the final stage of networking but the first stage in implementing your effective sales strategies to close deals.
Many people never bother sending a thank you note or email after the event. The thank you note/email serves as a reminder to not only yourself about who the other person was but also it serves as a reminder to the other person on whom you were.
Make sure you follow-up with people after the event. Do not overdo it though. Start by sending a note or email. Phone calls are acceptable but written correspondence is preferred. Request an in person meeting. Keep their pain points in your mind and apply your sales strategies.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:11 PM
Labels: networking, tips for successful networking
Monday, August 20, 2007
Keep Moving
Networking events are usually for a limited time. Therefore you need to optimize your use time.
Your aim should be to get as many new introductions as possible. Don’t spend a lot of time with the same person. You will have plenty of opportunities later to get to know more about them.
You should start by introducing yourself, give your 30 second pitch, exchange information, request a follow-up time, and then politely excuse yourself in order to talk to the next person.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
3:55 PM
Labels: tips for successful networking
Friday, August 17, 2007
Exchange Cards
This is basic, but people show up to events with not enough business cards or promotional materials. Promotional materials can be optional, however be sure to take plenty of business cards. Also, make sure that your business cards have the most up-to-date contact information.
Depending on the networking event you may have the option to place your business cards and other promotional material on a common table.
Networking etiquette dictates that if you are attending a member only event and are not a member; ask for permission from the event organizer before you place or distribute your materials.
Present your card and remember to request a card from the other person.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:54 AM
Labels: networking, Planning, planning for networking
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Ask Their Need First this will not get you anywhere. What I have to say today is, unfortunately, not going to get you immediate gratification. Rather you will reap the rewards later. The best way to build relationships and to successfully network is to ask your potential client their "pain points".
The prospect may not necessarily looking for your services at the moment; however they may have other needs to satisfy first. Become their savior. Try to provide them with the resources they need. you will see that this will benefit you in the long run. They will return the favor by requesting AND referring your services.
Many people know this. This is not new. However, in practice it is hard to follow. Many people want to help others but when they start talking....they are all about "What can you do for me" and NOT "What is it that I can do for you?"
Help others first!
Tune in next time....
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:27 PM
Labels: networking, tips for successful networking
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Body First Rule
Today I would like to talk about the "Body First Rule".
Countless times I see people, at networking events, standing by themselves. They are either talking on their cell phones, reading a paper, looking at the art work in the room, or doing something other than networking. They are secretly hoping that people know about their services (products) and will flock to them.
Public speaking and talking to strangers is not that easy. It is difficult and sometimes a bit intimidating. One way to tackle this fear is to just start moving. Just move towards someone and (politely) say "Hi". Then, start talking by presenting your card and introducing yourself and product. Don’t think on how or what will others think.
This one instance where you need to lead with your body and not with your mind.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
9:15 PM
Labels: meeting people, networking
Monday, August 13, 2007
Wear two badges
Many people who are at a networking event do not take this opportunity to advertise their services. When you check in to the event, take two badges. One should have your name and the other should list what service you provide. Do not go over board and start to list 100 things. Just write a few words of what you do. For Example, on my second badge I always write "Life & Business Coach".
Many-a-times this is a good ice breaker. When you are walking around, people do read your second badge. Without a badge explaining what you provide, it is hard for people to talk to you at first. By having your service listed, you are giving people an opportunity to introduce themselves to you.
There have been so many times that I have been at an event and I will be passing someone by and they will read my second badge and say "Oh! I am glad I found you....I was looking for this" or "I know who you should meet, I was just talking to...."
Let people know who you are.
Tune in tomorrow for the next topic.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
11:32 AM
Labels: Business Coaching, networking, Personal Coaching
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Showing Up
Showing up to a networking event is the first step. In many cases this is the hardest thing to do, but it is very important. Many people plan to attend a lot of networking events, but fail to take the most important step of actually showing up to the event.
Shyness, lack of confidence, public speaking jitters, false conclusions and other excuses prevent people from attending networking events.
Don't let your thoughts take over. If you feel that a certain event is beneficial to you, then attend. Take the initiative. Don't let your thoughts take over. Many-a-times, right before the event people get lazy. They get start to get negative thoughts. They start to find every reason not to attend.
Do not let your mind take over. Recall the reasons why you identified the event in the first place. Stay committed. If you consistently show up to the events, people will notice and will be impressed.
Tune in tomorrow for the next topic.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
8:35 AM
Labels: networking, planning for networking, showing up
Friday, August 10, 2007
Dress Appropriately
Many of you must have heard the phrase "Dress for Success". Well! I tell you that it is true. However, you must dress appropriately. This means that don't show up at a networking event that is for professionals in shorts and sandals......unless you are in a business that supports that dress code e.g. a surf shop, etc. You get my point!
Now, dress for success does not mean that you need to spend a lot of money either. You must, however, make an effort to dress professionally and look smart. Many people say that they don't care how you look, but you will be surprised to find out how far away from the truth that is. Try going and selling financial planning to someone in a beat up'll see how much confidence about your capability that instills in your potential client!
Always find out before hand what is the dress code for the event. Take sometime to keep up to date with the fashion trends. This does not mean, however, you should wear something that makes you feel out of your element. Act your age, remain true to the image you want to have people associate you with.
Tune in tomorrow for the next part in the series
Posted by
Salman K Khan
11:10 AM
Labels: dress for success, networking, tips for successful networking
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Planning ahead for effective networking
Today's topic will be on the importance of planning ahead. When you go to any networking event, always have:
1. A prepared 30 second business pitch. You should be able to articulate in 30 seconds or less who you are and what you do.
2. Carry the right business cards and brochures for the networking event.
3. You should have a specific and well defined mission/purpose for the attending the event. A desired outcome could be that you want to get 5 business cards of 5 new contacts, etc.
4. Tell you co-workers/employees of your location and instruct not be disturbed unless the matter is such that only you can handle. You want to be focused in the event.
5. Have an exit strategy for the event. In the event you need to leave early, decide whether you want to leave your information with the organizer or at a public space at the event or you want to ask someone there to help you in distributing your materials.
In conclusion, take a few minutes before embarking to the event and prepare your self as well as your mission.
Tune in next time for the next topic.
Chat live with Sal @
Posted by
Salman K Khan
12:18 PM
Labels: networking, planning for networking, tips for successful networking
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Choose your niche.
Choosing your niche is very important. You must have a clear vision and focus on who or what group you would like to market. There are many networking events to choose from. However, if you are not focused on your target market, going to these events may not be very beneficial.
Now, don't get me wrong; it will help you to get more contacts...but the purpose of networking is to generate leads for sales. If you purpose is to just meet people and expand your network, then by all means go to as many networking events as possible.
If you have a target market or geographic location you are concentrating on, find events in that area. you can look look for events by visiting your targets market sites and associations. The chamber of commerce, local newspapers etc.
Focusing on a niche is the easy way to get started and will help you focus your attention within that market. From there you can grow to other markets.
Tune in tomorrow for the next topic in the series.
Chat with me live at:
Posted by
Salman K Khan
8:11 AM
Labels: Focus, networking, niche marketing
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
10 Tips for Successful Networking
The next series I will be writing about are 10 simple rules for networking, which are:
1. Choose your niche
2. Plan ahead
3. Dress appropriately
4. Show up
5. Wear two badges
6. Body first rule
7. Ask their need first
8. Exchange cards
9. Keep moving
10. Follow up
Please check back for daily updates to this series.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:33 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Success Tip: Get out of your comfort zone!
Today I want to blog a little bit about the importance of getting out of your comfort zone!
Whether you are trying to lose weight, make a million dollars, or have a successful relationship; one of the keys to success is to GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. This means that you need to move away from what makes you feel comfortable.
Feeling comfortable, as it relates to this topic, means that you are getting stuck in your habit. You are not progressing to the next level because you are not exerting extra force into your actions.
Let me give you a simple example. Look at boiling water. In order for water to reach its boiling state, the molecules need to raise their Kinetic Energy (some chemistry from high school!!!). Water will never reach a boiling point if the molecules do not move beyond their normal state.
Just like boiling water one needs to make that extra effort to get to the next level. If you are exercising 30 minutes and you are not seeing an improvement....exercise harder. Not getting that promotion....get something that is not in your job description but helps the company without making your boss or co-worker look incompetent (VERY important). only take a little change to make a big difference. You do not need to go over board....just keep it simple, but do something out of your comfort zone!
Posted by
Salman K Khan
8:53 AM
Labels: Focus, reach goals, success
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Active Thought Management - What is it?
The human mind is a very powerful organ. If you don't actively manage it, it will take over your life lead you to a path you may not want to go. Ever heard of "An idle mind is a devils workshop?"
If you want to be happy all the can. All you have to do is be conscious of what your mind is doing. Control your thoughts, and you will be a happier person. If you start to wonder about stuff and start to go towards a negative path....realize it....and then focus on something else.
Many people often start to wonder "what if...". Realize when you are doing this...and stop. It is all in your minds imagination. Do not let your mind go into the "What if...." stage.
If you are curious about something or wondering what the other person is thinking or saying....just ask instead of speculating. Speculation/Wondering is NOT reality.
In conscious of your thoughts. When you start to feel sad or start to worry about something....focus on something else. Tell your self it is NOT reality, it is only your imagination.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:48 AM
Labels: Living Happier, Managing your thoughts
Thursday, August 2, 2007
How to determine what is really important in life
As we go about our lives, it is very easy to fall in to a daily rut and lose track of stuff that is important to one's self. Bills, social commitments, etc. have a way to take over our lives. For majority of us it is about paying bills. For those fortunate enough to not worry about bills, there is something else. There is ALWAYS something else.
So how do you take control and step back to enjoy life and focus on really what matters the most?
Here is a little exercise that I learnt from reading the 7 Habits of Great People by Stephen Covey. Though, I have heard variations of the same theme/concept/idea; I think Mr. Covey explains it best. I will paraphrase:
Sit down, close your eyes. Imagine you are at going to a funeral. You are walking in through the front doors. You look around and see you friends and family....everyone you care about. You walk to towards an open casket to see the dead body, you look down and you see it is yourself. are dead. You turn around to say something to your friends and family, to only find out they cannot hear or see you.
You say to yourself, this cannot be happening.....I had to say ____ to _____. (fill in the blanks).
If you do this exercise correctly, I guarantee to you that you will find out what/who is important to you.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:56 PM
Labels: Life Coaching
Monday, July 30, 2007
Day 7: Follow-Through
Welcome to the last phase. Today I will talk about the importance of follow-through.
Regardless of what you start and complete, follow-though is a key. Follow-through means to make sure what you started is still going on as planned even after you have ended the task.
If you do not follow-through, the chances of failure are very high. Therefore, lets say your goal was to reach to some level in your career. In order for you to reach that level, you had to make some changes, perhaps to the way you interacted. Now that you have reached that level, it does not mean that you go back to your old self. You must continue in the same spirit that go you there, otherwise that chances of you failure in the new position will be very high.
This concludes our "7 Days to a More Confident You" series.
Check back for new topic.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
9:02 AM
Labels: Focus, follow-through, goals
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Day 6: Taking control
Welcome to Day 6. First, I am sorry for not updating the blog yesterday. I got busy with clients. Anyway, I am here now. Lets talk about "Taking Control".
Lets put the word "Control" in context. For the purpose of this blog, taking control means actively identifying your goals and tasks and committing to the purpose of reaching your goals.
Taking control also means to dismiss external forces and make things happen. Do not blame others or find excuses. If things are not perfect, then find a solution. Remember that where there will there is a way.
If you start finding excuses for not doing your tasks or getting to your goals, it is no ones fault except your own. So take an active role, be positive and find a way.
Tune in next for the last stage, i.e. the importance of follow through.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:59 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Day 5: Creating an action plan
Previously we learnt how to focus and we also went through an exercise of creating tasks to reach our goals.
Today we will take a closer look at how to create tasks. People often find it difficult to break down goals in to smaller tasks. One of the questions often is whether to go about it from the goal down or start from a task and build up to the goal.
Well! it is a hybrid approach. This means that it is a bit of both. However, there is an order to the process. You may find it best to start with the goal and work your way down. Ask your self the following question for every task including the goal: "What do I need to accomplish this particular task?"
Be careful not to over simplify your tasks, e.g. if you are going to chop a piece of wood, there is no need to write "start chopping"...get it!
Once you have all your tasks written, arrange them in the right order and then number them.
Next, starting with the goal and working your way down, start to attach some target completion dates for the tasks (and goals).
There you have it....your "Action Plan" to complete your goal.
Tune in next to learn about taking control...Day 6.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:16 PM
Labels: creating tasks, Focus, goals
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day 4: Learning focus
Welcome to day 4 of your transformation. Today we will learn how to focus.
Previously you learnt how to identify your goals. Well! many people can identify their goals, but the problem is in the execution and the commitment to achieving those goals.
So, how does one stay focused day after day? The key is to breakdown your goal in to manageable tasks and then to set some dates against those tasks.
Let me explain. Lets say that your goal is to run a marathon. So you break this goal down in to smaller steps. So lets also assume you have never run the marathon and are not in any physical shape. Let's also assume that the marathon is exactly 1 year away.
Now you have 12 months. You have a date, and you have a goal. List all the things you need to do from now till the day of the marathon. Perhaps you say, I want to be ready in 10 months. So your tasks may be:
Month 1: Get a gym membership, buy some running shoes and other gear, start to run .25 miles a day for a week, etc.
Month 2: Run 5 miles in 5 minutes
Month 3: Run 10 miles in 8 minutes, etc.....
You get the point, right! Each month you have a target to reach. You can further breakdown your goals by each week or by day.
Each morning and evening, look at your targets for the day, week, or month. In this way you will learn how to focus on your goals. If you do this correctly and remain consistent, then you will get closer to accomplishing your goals.
Next we will learn in detail how to create tasks and a realistic action plan in more detail.
Till next time....
Posted by
Salman K Khan
2:43 PM
Labels: Focus, Life Coaching, Planning
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Day 3: Identifying your goal(s)
Today, lets work on identifying our goals.
Assume that you have no restrictions of time and money, ask yourself what would you like to accomplish in your life and in your business/career?
Grab a notepad and pen, and write down everything that comes to your mind for the life and business/career category. Do not worry about the order of things, just keep writing. Take as much time as you need. Remember, if you had all the time and money in the world....what would you "really" like to accomplish? What goals would make you complete or feel better?
These should be your goals and not that of what others expect from you. Unless the goals come from within you, you will never be satisfied or completely motivated to reach the goals.
Once you have finished this exercise, start to number the goals in the order you would like to accomplish them. Again, do not worry about time or money. Just pick the one that you really would like to get done first.
Next we will work on how to focus on the selected goal.
Till next time....
Posted by
Salman K Khan
2:27 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Day 2: Analyzing yourself
Welcome to Day 2. Today we will learn how to identify our strengths and weaknesses.
Strengths are those characters that allow us to move forward and instill confidence in us. Whereas weakness hold us back or create obstacles in our efforts.
Self analysis is a two part process. It involves looking inside yourself as well as gathering information from the people you trust and value their opinion.
Let us get started. You will need a notepad and a pen. The easiest way to start is create two columns on the notepad, and write the heading "Strengths" on one side and "Weaknesses" on the other. Then, for each category, and in no specific order, list your strengths and weaknesses.
Take your time, and be honest with yourself.
For the next part, ask the people whose opinion you value (friend, spouse, boss, co-worker) what do they see as your strengths and weaknesses. Tell them to be brutally honest. This is very important.
Start to add to the same list the strengths and weaknesses they tell you. Now, you may notice that some of the items are already there. Instead of writing that item again, mark it (as many times as it is repeated by others).
You may also find that some people are listing an item as a weakness and that you have identified it as a strength or vise-a-verse. It is very important to note those items. If people classify some characteristic as a weakness more than a strength, you need to take note of that.
After completing the above exercise, now clean up you list of strength and weaknesses. The list you are left with are your true strength and weaknesses, as seen by you AND others.
Your goal should be to decrease your weaknesses and convert your weaknesses to strengths. Do accomplish this, for each weakness, create a list of things you need to do in order to change it to a strength.
Then, as Nike says..."Just Do It!"
Next we will learn how to identify your goals in life and business/career.
Please tune in later.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:58 AM
Labels: Personal Coaching, Sefl Awareness, Strengths and Weaknesses
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Day 1: Getting in the right frame of mind
O.k. So let us get started. Are you ready? I want you to get excited about this. In the next seven days you will be going through an amazing transformation. You will be more confident, more focused, and more in control.
You will need to have some uninterrupted time for this exercise. Dedicate 15 to 30 minutes or longer for this. Start by getting your environment in a relax atmosphere. You can do this in exercise indoors or outside.
Visualization Exercise:
Sit down, get relaxed and close your eyes. Now clear your head of any pending tasks. I know this is not easy, but try. Remember that you are not going to be doing this all day. Just for the next few minutes or so clear your head.
Now, close your eyes and start to visualize. Imagine that life is perfect. You have everything you want. You are on the top of your game. See yourself being strong, in control, more confident, more focused. See yourself as an improved person from who you are now.
Feel it. Visualize it. Imagine hearing the words of praises from others about what a great well rounded, in-control, balanced, focused, and successful person you are.
Open your eyes now and tell yourself, you will make this happen and that this is an achievable task. There is absolutely nothing stopping you. Shout it out....get excited.
This is the first step. I would recommend doing the visualization exercise every day in the morning for a few minutes. You can do this visualization exercise before you do anything, e.g. before you go to the gym, visualize yourself in a better physical condition, etc. Once you can visualize your goal, it becomes easier to reach.
Next, we will go into the self examination phase in more detail to help us understand our true obstacles. Have a great day!
Check back later for the next post!
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:07 AM
Labels: visualization exercise
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
7 Days to a more confident and focused YOU!
For my first topic I have decided to write about how to prepare yourself to get more in control of your life as well as get focused.
Many people start the day with no goals in mind to accomplish for the day and as such end their day with very little feeling of accomplishment. For many, this is a vicious cycle that seems to never end. As a result people often feel that they are not in control of their lives and never seem to accomplish what they set out to do.
I have prepared a very easy seven day process to help you get in control and more focused. Let us begin:
Day 1: Getting in the right frame of mind
Day 2: Analyzing yourself
Day 3: Identifying your goal(s)
Day 4: Learning focus
Day 5: Creating an action plan
Day 6: Taking control
Day 7: Follow through
In the next blog I will write about Day 1. Please check back.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:47 AM
Labels: Confidence, Discipline, Focus
Sunday, July 15, 2007
My First Blog
Hello To All,
Well! I finally did it. I am now going to start blogging. I am searching for the right idea/topic to write about. In the meantime, if anyone out there has any questions on life, business, how to focus, make more money, enjoy life....whatever, please email me.
Otherwise, keep your feeds open for a new post shortly.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
3:32 PM
Labels: Business Coaching, Life Coaching, Personal Coaching, Small Business Coaching