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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Remain True To Your Core

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners tend to do everything themselves. Though this strategy may save some money upfront, more times than often this route ends up costing more in the long run.

As business owners you must devote all your efforts to your core activities in which you are an expert. Don't try to do everything yourself. For example if you are in the insurance industry and sell car insurance, go sell car insurance. Leave the bookkeeping to an accountant; the website to a web developer, etc.

Now-a-days there are many inexpensive sources to find all the needs for your business at very reasonable costs. As you begin to let go of activities that take you away from your core expertise you will notice that you are more focused on activities that help you grow you business. You will have more time. Also, for the items that you outsource to vendors you will receive quality work. This will also have a positive impact on your business.

So, learn to let go and look at the long term benefits rather than the short-term costs.

Till next time


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