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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ingredients for success

Why do some people succeed, while others fail? Why does one company make it big and another company in the same industry or why does one sales person become a high achiever and another is less successful?

The answer is "drive". The willingness to go the extra mile. Some may refer to it as "hunger" or "fire". It is not that this quality is in some and not in is in everyone. The difference between the successful people and the failures is that the failures...don't fuel the fire. They don't crave for the taste of success.

If you want to be successful you have to "REALLY" want it! Not just say it idly...yell it out! shout it out! Then see the difference!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sponsor an Event

There is nothing like this type of publicity. I sponsor a lot of events. I noticed early on that sponsoring an event, though requires an investment, offers great return on that investment dollar. Why? Well! if you choose your events carefully, i.e. based on your target market then you will maximize your advertising dollars because you will be catering to your target and not people/businesses that are not in your target. It is really simple but highly effective.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Is Print Advertising Successful?

Recently I was asked to comment on print advertising such as Yellow Pages, Newspaper, Magazine etc. My answer is (and has always been) that it really depends on your line of business and who you are targeting to.

In order to use any medium for advertising, one really has to look at the target market, e.g. Income level, what they read, what do they buy, where do they shop , etc. Once you have this figured out, then you need to decide what is your marketing budget. After you have decided on that figure, find out how much does it cost in the medium you want to advertise. Generally speaking the longer you run the ad; the cheaper it is. Once you have made that calculation, then you want to make the right ad (text, graphics, etc.) . For the last step, you need to have some way of tracking the ad results.

Now, most of the popular medium of advertising, e.g. yellow pages, newspaper etc. will have some tools that you can use to access the effectiveness of you ad campaign. Ask your rep.

So, the question is does it work? For print advertising it is generally recommended that you run your ad for at least 6-8 months before your ad will start to register with your target market. Anything less than that would be a waste of time and money.

I always recommend alternative advertising sources that produce much faster results. However, there are instances where you may benefit from print advertising.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The importance of joining a Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce can be one of the best investments you can have in getting your business visibility. Many people join Chambers thinking that the Chamber will magically refer all traffic to them. It does not work that way. If you want to re coupe your money OR you want to take full advantage of joining the Chamber then you must have a plan.

Before you join a Chamber make sure you do your research. Visit more than a few. Ask around which one has the most members. Visit their luncheons as a guest. Many times guest do not need to pay the luncheon fee.

Once you have narrowed the search to a few then before signing up, have a plan on how you will get visibility. Make sure you attend as many luncheons and mixers and other events for the Chamber.

Get your name in front of the Chamber staff. Sponsor events. Help the Chamber recruit more members.

These are some ways you can really get noticed and take full advantage your membership.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

If you get a business inquiry, DO follow-up!

Hello Everyone,
I guess I got too busy with clients and getting ready for the upcoming Expo that I found myself not writing. Well! I need to get back at blogging and so, here I am.

Over the past few weeks I meet many business owners. I must say that I am very surprised that many business owners let so many opportunities to make money slip by. As a small business coach, I try to help many businesses connect. I actively find business for my members as well as ANY one that I come across. I love to help people.

More than once I have referred potential customers to business owners and more than once I have been surprised how these business owners DON'T follow-up with the referrals. Why? I don't get it. I attend meetings and here these same people ask everyone for referrals; but when they get it.....they are not appreciative.

People: If you want to have credibility and if you want to show that you DO care, then please please please follow up with your prospects/referrals etc.