Welcome to the last phase. Today I will talk about the importance of follow-through.
Regardless of what you start and complete, follow-though is a key. Follow-through means to make sure what you started is still going on as planned even after you have ended the task.
If you do not follow-through, the chances of failure are very high. Therefore, lets say your goal was to reach to some level in your career. In order for you to reach that level, you had to make some changes, perhaps to the way you interacted. Now that you have reached that level, it does not mean that you go back to your old self. You must continue in the same spirit that go you there, otherwise that chances of you failure in the new position will be very high.
This concludes our "7 Days to a More Confident You" series.
Check back for new topic.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Day 7: Follow-Through
Posted by
Salman K Khan
9:02 AM
Labels: Focus, follow-through, goals
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Day 6: Taking control
Welcome to Day 6. First, I am sorry for not updating the blog yesterday. I got busy with clients. Anyway, I am here now. Lets talk about "Taking Control".
Lets put the word "Control" in context. For the purpose of this blog, taking control means actively identifying your goals and tasks and committing to the purpose of reaching your goals.
Taking control also means to dismiss external forces and make things happen. Do not blame others or find excuses. If things are not perfect, then find a solution. Remember that where there will there is a way.
If you start finding excuses for not doing your tasks or getting to your goals, it is no ones fault except your own. So take an active role, be positive and find a way.
Tune in next for the last stage, i.e. the importance of follow through.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:59 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Day 5: Creating an action plan
Previously we learnt how to focus and we also went through an exercise of creating tasks to reach our goals.
Today we will take a closer look at how to create tasks. People often find it difficult to break down goals in to smaller tasks. One of the questions often is whether to go about it from the goal down or start from a task and build up to the goal.
Well! it is a hybrid approach. This means that it is a bit of both. However, there is an order to the process. You may find it best to start with the goal and work your way down. Ask your self the following question for every task including the goal: "What do I need to accomplish this particular task?"
Be careful not to over simplify your tasks, e.g. if you are going to chop a piece of wood, there is no need to write "start chopping"...get it!
Once you have all your tasks written, arrange them in the right order and then number them.
Next, starting with the goal and working your way down, start to attach some target completion dates for the tasks (and goals).
There you have it....your "Action Plan" to complete your goal.
Tune in next to learn about taking control...Day 6.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
10:16 PM
Labels: creating tasks, Focus, goals
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day 4: Learning focus
Welcome to day 4 of your transformation. Today we will learn how to focus.
Previously you learnt how to identify your goals. Well! many people can identify their goals, but the problem is in the execution and the commitment to achieving those goals.
So, how does one stay focused day after day? The key is to breakdown your goal in to manageable tasks and then to set some dates against those tasks.
Let me explain. Lets say that your goal is to run a marathon. So you break this goal down in to smaller steps. So lets also assume you have never run the marathon and are not in any physical shape. Let's also assume that the marathon is exactly 1 year away.
Now you have 12 months. You have a date, and you have a goal. List all the things you need to do from now till the day of the marathon. Perhaps you say, I want to be ready in 10 months. So your tasks may be:
Month 1: Get a gym membership, buy some running shoes and other gear, start to run .25 miles a day for a week, etc.
Month 2: Run 5 miles in 5 minutes
Month 3: Run 10 miles in 8 minutes, etc.....
You get the point, right! Each month you have a target to reach. You can further breakdown your goals by each week or by day.
Each morning and evening, look at your targets for the day, week, or month. In this way you will learn how to focus on your goals. If you do this correctly and remain consistent, then you will get closer to accomplishing your goals.
Next we will learn in detail how to create tasks and a realistic action plan in more detail.
Till next time....
Posted by
Salman K Khan
2:43 PM
Labels: Focus, Life Coaching, Planning
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Day 3: Identifying your goal(s)
Today, lets work on identifying our goals.
Assume that you have no restrictions of time and money, ask yourself what would you like to accomplish in your life and in your business/career?
Grab a notepad and pen, and write down everything that comes to your mind for the life and business/career category. Do not worry about the order of things, just keep writing. Take as much time as you need. Remember, if you had all the time and money in the world....what would you "really" like to accomplish? What goals would make you complete or feel better?
These should be your goals and not that of what others expect from you. Unless the goals come from within you, you will never be satisfied or completely motivated to reach the goals.
Once you have finished this exercise, start to number the goals in the order you would like to accomplish them. Again, do not worry about time or money. Just pick the one that you really would like to get done first.
Next we will work on how to focus on the selected goal.
Till next time....
Posted by
Salman K Khan
2:27 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Day 2: Analyzing yourself
Welcome to Day 2. Today we will learn how to identify our strengths and weaknesses.
Strengths are those characters that allow us to move forward and instill confidence in us. Whereas weakness hold us back or create obstacles in our efforts.
Self analysis is a two part process. It involves looking inside yourself as well as gathering information from the people you trust and value their opinion.
Let us get started. You will need a notepad and a pen. The easiest way to start is create two columns on the notepad, and write the heading "Strengths" on one side and "Weaknesses" on the other. Then, for each category, and in no specific order, list your strengths and weaknesses.
Take your time, and be honest with yourself.
For the next part, ask the people whose opinion you value (friend, spouse, boss, co-worker) what do they see as your strengths and weaknesses. Tell them to be brutally honest. This is very important.
Start to add to the same list the strengths and weaknesses they tell you. Now, you may notice that some of the items are already there. Instead of writing that item again, mark it (as many times as it is repeated by others).
You may also find that some people are listing an item as a weakness and that you have identified it as a strength or vise-a-verse. It is very important to note those items. If people classify some characteristic as a weakness more than a strength, you need to take note of that.
After completing the above exercise, now clean up you list of strength and weaknesses. The list you are left with are your true strength and weaknesses, as seen by you AND others.
Your goal should be to decrease your weaknesses and convert your weaknesses to strengths. Do accomplish this, for each weakness, create a list of things you need to do in order to change it to a strength.
Then, as Nike says..."Just Do It!"
Next we will learn how to identify your goals in life and business/career.
Please tune in later.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:58 AM
Labels: Personal Coaching, Sefl Awareness, Strengths and Weaknesses
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Day 1: Getting in the right frame of mind
O.k. So let us get started. Are you ready? I want you to get excited about this. In the next seven days you will be going through an amazing transformation. You will be more confident, more focused, and more in control.
You will need to have some uninterrupted time for this exercise. Dedicate 15 to 30 minutes or longer for this. Start by getting your environment in a relax atmosphere. You can do this in exercise indoors or outside.
Visualization Exercise:
Sit down, get relaxed and close your eyes. Now clear your head of any pending tasks. I know this is not easy, but try. Remember that you are not going to be doing this all day. Just for the next few minutes or so clear your head.
Now, close your eyes and start to visualize. Imagine that life is perfect. You have everything you want. You are on the top of your game. See yourself being strong, in control, more confident, more focused. See yourself as an improved person from who you are now.
Feel it. Visualize it. Imagine hearing the words of praises from others about what a great well rounded, in-control, balanced, focused, and successful person you are.
Open your eyes now and tell yourself, you will make this happen and that this is an achievable task. There is absolutely nothing stopping you. Shout it out....get excited.
This is the first step. I would recommend doing the visualization exercise every day in the morning for a few minutes. You can do this visualization exercise before you do anything, e.g. before you go to the gym, visualize yourself in a better physical condition, etc. Once you can visualize your goal, it becomes easier to reach.
Next, we will go into the self examination phase in more detail to help us understand our true obstacles. Have a great day!
Check back later for the next post!
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:07 AM
Labels: visualization exercise
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
7 Days to a more confident and focused YOU!
For my first topic I have decided to write about how to prepare yourself to get more in control of your life as well as get focused.
Many people start the day with no goals in mind to accomplish for the day and as such end their day with very little feeling of accomplishment. For many, this is a vicious cycle that seems to never end. As a result people often feel that they are not in control of their lives and never seem to accomplish what they set out to do.
I have prepared a very easy seven day process to help you get in control and more focused. Let us begin:
Day 1: Getting in the right frame of mind
Day 2: Analyzing yourself
Day 3: Identifying your goal(s)
Day 4: Learning focus
Day 5: Creating an action plan
Day 6: Taking control
Day 7: Follow through
In the next blog I will write about Day 1. Please check back.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
7:47 AM
Labels: Confidence, Discipline, Focus
Sunday, July 15, 2007
My First Blog
Hello To All,
Well! I finally did it. I am now going to start blogging. I am searching for the right idea/topic to write about. In the meantime, if anyone out there has any questions on life, business, how to focus, make more money, enjoy life....whatever, please email me.
Otherwise, keep your feeds open for a new post shortly.
Posted by
Salman K Khan
3:32 PM
Labels: Business Coaching, Life Coaching, Personal Coaching, Small Business Coaching